

How does your pricing work?

We want to offer an affordable entry price for small businesses and thought about a system that is fair for our customers and for us. The price for a single style of a font family on Show Me Fonts starts at 60€. As designers and as a foundry we design font families with multiple weights, widths with uprights and italics and we do use interpolation, so that additional weights are increasingly less work. We do want to give our customers an incentive to buy more than one style. So our pricing is quantity based. The first style you add to your cart costs 60€, the following 5 styles are discounted by 33% and cost 40€ and the following styles after the sixth style in your cart will only cost you 20€ with a 66% discount. This way you get a discount, no matter if you need the classic Regular, Bold + Regular Italic, Bold Italic or just a Black weight for headlines and a Regular or the Medium for text.